Sunday, July 26, 2009

Meet Jenna Rose Horner

Meet Our newest GrandDaughter !

Born on 07-26-2009 @ 8:48AM in Safford AZ

Jenna Rose Horner

7.0 LBS x 18"

Jenna Rose Horner

Mom & Dad are resting after a 4 day labor !

Mom is our Daughter Recbecca ( Rose ) Horner and Dad is Daniel Horner.

Jenna Rose Horner was born 3 1/2 weeks early on July 26th at 8:48am by c-section, weighing 7lbs and 18in long. It started out on July 23rd I was at the hospital for a NST ( non-stress test) due to high blood pressure and headaches. After doing a 24 hour urine test the day before it showed up with protein and they decided to admit me for observation due to the starting signs of pre-clampsia. After several hours and increased blood pressure and headaches the doctor decided to induce me slowly. At 2 am Friday morning I was at 0 dilation and 50% effaced. Cyotec , a small dissolvable pill was placed on my cervix to help with dialation. Through the morning I was having mild contractions and was given more cyotec I was then 1 cm dilated. They decided to start the pitocin slowly and then the contractions started increasing and becoming closer together I felt like I was for sure making some progress. After being checked again I was only at about 2cm dilated. At this point I was so discouraged but I didn’t want to give up. I so badly wanted to have her naturally. I asked if I could walk, but because I was hooked up to the monitors to watch the baby they wouldn’t let me, so I sat up in bed and tried to let gravity take its course. I had good family support, Daniel was there along with my mom and his mom and my sisters. I received the epidural, they thought it might help me relax and rest a bit. Around 7 pm Saturday night the doctor checked me and I was still at 2cm and only 60% effaced. He told me a c-section would be in my best interest but after begging him he gave me a few more hours to keep trying, the baby was still looking good on the monitors. At 11pm the doctor broke my water and I was almost 3cm. Pitiocin was still going and I was still having contractions very close together. At 7 am Sunday morning he came and checked me. I had not made any progress and during that night the baby's heart rate was dropping some. He said its time. They prepped me for a c-section. I have never been more scared in my life. Everything was happening so fast. I was overwhelmed with fear and excitement of finally getting to meet our daughter we have been so long waiting for. Daniel was by my side and at 8:38 am the started the procedure. That 10 minutes felt like a life time. Jenna was sunny side up and her head was wedged in the right corner, she was stuck so badly in the corner they had to use a vacuum to get her out. She was not crying immediately but after a few seconds a little faint cry was let out. She was perfect and healthy. It was the best moment in my life. Since that moment my world changed and I was finally a mom.

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